Tracing route to upstairs-deck-music-ii.localdomain ġ NameofthisPC.localdomain reports: Destination host unreachable. I did a trace route from a W10 PC (IP address 192.168.1.XX): W System.err: : failed to connect to / (port 5000) from /192.168.1.YY(port 43274) after 60000ms: isConnected failed: EHOSTUNREACH (No route to host)

#Mac airport utility update android#
Hify did show this log (fyi 192.168.1.YY is an Android Smartphone):

However as soon as I attempted to stream, the device disappeared from Spotify (via Hify). Network Scanner did not show the MAC address or the Vendor (via OUI) (just the IP), which I've not seen before. However the Unifi Controller, Hify (Android) and Network Scanner (W10) showed the device on its allocated IP address - If I connected an ethernet cable to our switch, our network would grind to a halt. I then hard reset the Gen 2, called it "Upstairs Deck Music", and again it disappeared on restart. I tried "configure other", with and without the ethernet connected, however that showed the -6753 error. I hard reset the Gen 1, and followed the normal setup (ethernet cable directly into W10 laptop), however when it restarted, it disappeared from Airport. The green light was on, it showed in iTunes and Hify, however as soon as I tried to stream music, both Spotify (which streams to AAE via Hify) and iTunes "lost" the AAE, and the only way to play music was via the local device. At the same time, the Gen 1 would not stream music. So I turned off the Gen 2 and put it away. As soon as I disconnected an ethernet cable from the AAE Gen 2, everything recovered. Sometime in December, my home network became unresponsive. Until recently, both have been rock-solid with green lights, and music in our house whenever (and wherever an AAE was) we wanted. We use 2 x AAEs (Gen 1 and Gen 2) on a home wired/wifi network to stream music, using either Airfoil/Spotify or iTunes (W10) or Hify (Android).